
Monday, April 6, 2020

$500-$1k on Twitter per Month.

How much followers do you need to make money on Twitter?
Ans:You can choose the ads you tweet from a list of available ads that are updated regularly. You must have at least 50 followers, 100 tweets, and an account that is at least 60 days old to sign up for this service.
What are sponsored tweets?
Ans: Ordinary tweets purchased by advertisers who want to reach wider group of users or spark engagement from their existing followers.Most of them get paid on cost per click bases. It means whenever someone clicks on your shared links,you will be paid.

What is Twitter cost per follower?
Ans: Each follower currently cost $2.50-$4.00. Yes that much. So,check up your Twitter worth.

How do I get followers?
Ans: Hold a Twitter contest.
Nothing engages people quite as efficiently as a prize. Try linking up a local business who wants some publicity. Offer to hold a contest and watch followers come in.
.Do Giveaways.Use what you have to get what you need. On this street,you get more as long as you are consistent.
. Buy followers- this is very cool.(Subscribe to the blog for more).

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